Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quick Trip, First days, etc...

So we took quick trip to Alabama for a few reasons, one we were meeting Nana to pick up Sarah Joy,  we also went to see Andrew's grandmother who wasn't doing extremely well, and on the way we had the opportunity to stop and spend some wonderful time with our friends in Georgia, the Barber's! Our trip was fast and furious but a whole lot of fun! It was the first time several people had gotten to see Asher- Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Whitney, Grandmother Bea, Mr. Jason. It was a whole lot of fun to introduce our sweet big'un to everyone. I had almost typed "little one," but that would definitely have been inaccurate. He is for sure the most fluffy baby we have ever had~and we all LOVE it! When we got home it was just a week before school started but we had the opportunity to get everyone's school clothes organized and ready. I am so sorry this has taken so long to get online, but when we got home, our modem had been fried, and it took several weeks to get a new one. Anyway- all is well now and here are a few pictures from the first day of school for Sarah Joy and Katie Grace.
Sarah Joy is thrilled with her 4th grade teachers and with her friends in her class! Katie Grace is loving kindergarten and is enjoying herself alot.She is very excited about her teacher and the fact that one of her best friends is in her class. She is just tired at the end of the day. You can tell she is not used to missing naptime. They take a 20 minute rest everyday at school, and she falls asleep everyday. It's just not quite enough for her to make it through to evening. Mr. Shields says that every time he sees her at school she is smiling, and that in gym the whole time she is running she is laughing and smiling! We are so happy with our school and thankful for all of the relationships we have in that building. I never worry that if my kids needed something and couldn't get me, that there would be a problem. I know that there are many in that building who would love them and take care of them. That's a great feeling to have when you drop them off at the door.
So anyway. That's the last weeks of summer and the first week of school in a nutshell.

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